Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I cannot install modules in SugarCRM

If you get the following error when you try to install a module in SugarCRM:

Specified directory '' for zip file 'cache/upload/upgrades/module/' extraction does not exist.

you can apply the following fix:

Open the directory where your SugarCRM is installed and go to include > utils.
Locate the file sugar_file_utils.php and open it for editing.
Comment the code on line 196:
return chmod($filename, $mode);

You can comment the code by putting // in front of it so that the code looks like:

//return chmod($filename, $mode);

Save the change and close the file.
From now on you should be able to install modules and language packs to your SugarCRM application without any problems.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Many-to-Many Relationships in SugarCRM

In the ./metadata directory, all the many-to-many relationships are defined and included in the $dictionary array. The files are stored in./metadata/MetaData.php. Tables are generated based on these definitions. These files are included via the./modules/TableDictionary.php. If you create a custom many-to-many relationship, you will need to add the reference to your newly relationships by adding the new reference in the file custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.php. You may need to create this file if it does not exist. These changes will take affect after you clear the Sugar Cache by running the “Quick Repair and Rebuild” option from the Admin Repair screen.
The following are the definitions for $dictionary[]. They are similar to the Vardefs. If necessary use that page as a reference as well.
 - the index for this relationship in the $dictionary array
table - the name of the table that is created in the database
fields - array containing arrays for each column definition. The join table must have a field for the primary key of each table to be linked, a primary key for the join table itself, a deleted field for relationship unlinking, and a date_modifed field to track when the relationship changes. Additional fields can be added to track the role played by the relationship,
indices - the database indices. Note see the example for indices below for necessary values.
relationships - definitions of the relationships between the two tables
lhs_module - the left hand module. Should match $beanList index
lhs_table - the left hand table name
lhs_key - the key to use from the left table
rhs_module - the right hand module. Should match $beanList index
rhs_table - the right hand table name
rhs_key - the key to use from the right table
relationship_type - relationship type
join_table - join table used to join items
join_key_lhs - left table key. Should exist in table field definitions above
join_key_rhs - right table key. Should exist in table field definitions above